Making narratives 2017

Making narratives - performances - GICB 2017, Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale, Korea - 2017 - Vidéos © Fred Soupa


Making narratives - Conception/scénographie des 12 performances Christine Coste & Fred Soupa

terre Christine Coste - son Fred Soupa - céramiste invité Yamada Hiroyuki
Durée 15 mn < 5 h

Scénographié pour le GICB2017, biennale internationale de céramique en Corée, il y a l’élément indispensable et constitutif des 12 performances, le dispositif ; un espace blanc de 10x10m, un socle, un waterpad, trois murs de 320x240 cm, la terre, le corps de la plasticienne, le musicien et le public. Le percussionniste enregistre des sons provenant de la terre qu’il mixe avec les instruments en live.
Quotidiennement une narration s’invente entre la terre et le son, entre la sculpture, la peinture et le mouvement. L’espace garde chaque jour les traces du vécu de la performance. Pour le Bouddha Day, fête nationale en Corée, durant cinq heures, la plasticienne modèle et installe une multitude de figurines de terre sur fond de ville géante. Les voix du public sonorisées manifestent leur réaction face à cette foule. Les performeurs invitent pour finir le céramiste japonnais Yamada Hiroyuki pour deux performances. Il met en jeu son corps, sa culture et son savoir en tournant sur scène.
Making narratives sont des moments intenses et fugitifs qui créent du lien avec le regardeur éprouvant sa propre narration. Des performances qui questionnent avec poésie la place de l’Homme face à la permanence de la matière.

Making narratives - Conception / scenography of the 12 performances Christine Coste & Fred Soupa
clay Christine Coste - sound Fred Soupa - guest ceramist Yamada Hiroyuki
Duration 15 min <5 h

Set for the GICB2017, the international biennial of ceramics in Korea, there is the essential and constitutive element of the 12 performances, the device; a white space of 10x10m, a base, a waterpad, three walls of 320x240 cm, the earth, the body of the visual artist, the musician and the public. The percussionist records sounds from the earth which he mixes with live instruments.
Every day a narration is invented between earth and sound, between sculpture, painting and movement. The space keeps track of the performance experience every day. For Buddha Day, a national holiday in Korea, for five hours, the plastic artist models and installs a multitude of earth figurines against the backdrop of a giant city. The voices of the public with sound show their reaction to this crowd. The performers invite the Japanese ceramist Yamada Hiroyuki to finish for two performances. He puts his body, his culture and his knowledge into play by turning on stage.
Making narratives are intense and fleeting moments that create a bond with the viewer experiencing his own narration. Performances which poetically question the place of human in front of the permanence of matter.

Making narratives – performances – GICB 2017, Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale, Korea – 2017
CaptureaMaking narratives – performances – GICB 2017, Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale, Korea – 2017 d’écran 2017-05-04 à 22.11.39
Making narratives – performances – GICB 2017, Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale, Korea – 2017
Making narratives – performances – GICB 2017, Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale, Korea – 2017
Making narratives – performances – GICB 2017, Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale, Korea – 2017
Making narratives – performances – GICB 2017, Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale, Korea – 2017
Making narratives – performances – GICB 2017, Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale, Korea – 2017
Making narratives – performances – GICB 2017, Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale, Korea – 2017
Making narratives – performances – GICB 2017, Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale, Korea – 2017
Making narratives – performances – GICB 2017, Gyeonggi International Ceramic Biennale, Korea – 2017

Copyright © 2020 Christine Coste / Photos © Christine Coste / Instagram